Are you thinking of painting your commercial building walls? Did you know that there are a few different painting methods available? Should you spray, or should you brush? From picking the perfect colour to choosing an application method, it’s no wonder taking on a major job like painting a commercial building can be overwhelming. In this post, we will discuss both the brushing and spraying methods and the advantages of each, so you’ll know which type is more suitable for your business.
Using a brush or roller is probably what you think of when it comes to a typical paint job, such as an interior wall. Before painting, the walls must be prepared, and the appropriate surfaces will be taped off. After this initial prep work, the paint will first be applied to any edges and corners with a paintbrush. Typically, a painting roller will be used to roll the paint onto the larger, flat surfaces of the walls. Once dry, the process will be repeated for as many coats as necessary – usually two to three.
But what about your commercial building? Is this method still suitable?
Painting your commercial property with a brush and roller is doable. Applying paint with a brush and roller involves some prep work but much less than spraying. Since a paint brush is easy to control, you won’t have to protect everything in the surrounding area for fear it will end up covered in paint. Once you get to painting, the process is a little slower but provides a good, thick, even coverage on your building walls.
A paint sprayer is a handheld tool that emits small paint particles in a fine mist to paint a wall. Spray painting is becoming popular for professionals because it’s quick and gives full, even coverage of the area. Also, spray paint does a great job of getting into all the nooks and crannies of a commercial building – something that’s more difficult with a paintbrush or roller. One disadvantage of spray paint is that it involves a lot of initial prep work.
When using a spray gun, you can expect a lot of oversprays, meaning that any area of the room that you don’t want to be painted (including ceilings, floors, or furniture) will need to be protected from paint. It can take a lot of time to tape off and use drop cloths on every area of the room. That being said, the spraying process is much quicker than brushing, and, likely, you’ll more than make up for the extra prep time in the end.
When is spray painting the right choice for a commercial building?
Spray painting can be a great choice for commercial building walls if you work in a large space or with a tight timeline since the process will go much quicker than brushing. Saving time may save you money because the job will be completed more quickly.