Our Commitment
Perry Wellington Painting & Decorating works relentlessly to give customers the most professional and quality painting experience possible. The one constant is our company’s philosophy to offer the customer the best possible painting service, selection, quality and value.
Our Creedo
We value our customers as the foundation of our business. Our relationships with customers are based on principles of respect and mutual benefit. We want to build on what we do well and provide our customers with an enjoyable and memorable experience.

Features & Benefits
Never collect payment until our customers are happy with the final payment.
Obsess over customers, not competitors.
Be radically and uncomfortably transparent with customers.
Don one thing really, really well as opposed to many different things poorly
To be unreasonably selective about the pope who work for us.
To insist on the highest standards.
Earn trust with action, not words.
Always speak the truth and face the facts.
Believe in work and life balance, not work vs life.
Be a perpetual work in progress.